December 11, 2010

The various organs which are involved in the production of speech sounds are called speech organs (also known as vocal organs). The study of speech organs helps to determine the role of each organ in the production of speech sounds. They include the lungs, the vocal folds, and most importantly the...

September 4, 2010

Antiromanticism is a movement in English literature that emerged in the 20th century as a reaction to Romanticism that dominated the field of literature during the late 18th and the early 19th centuries. Antiromanticism shares some tenets of Classicism, which was subsequently opposed by Romanticism....

August 1, 2010

Dylan Thomas 20th century Welsh poet, short-story writer, playwright, journalist, broadcaster, and scriptwriter Full name: Dylan Marlais Thomas Birth: October 27, 1914 Death: November 9, 1953 Place of Birth: Swansea, South Wales Buried: Laugharne, Wales Father: D(avid) J(ohn) Thomas Mother: Florence...

July 1, 2010

Generally conceit is a figure of speech and the term generally denotes “idea”, “concept”, “opinion”, or a “theme”, especially one that is fantastic or eccentric to certain extent. In terminological sense, it is an elaborate, often extravagant metaphor or simile making an analogy between two totally...

June 3, 2010

The literature of the 17th century is rife with conflicting as well as novel poetic ideas. Being the major metaphysical poet of that era, John Donne contributed much in the escalation of the flow of that literary transformation. In his poetry he sought to establish a view of love and women that was...

May 22, 2010

A symbol is anything which stands for or denotes something else, not by exact resemblance, but by vague suggestion or statement. Symbols are of two types: Universal/conventional/traditional/public symbol. Private/personal symbol.  The functions of  symbols are as follows: Symbols are...

May 1, 2010

In Roman mythology, Proserpina (Greek equivalent: Persephone, also Kore: “the maiden”) is the goddess of the dead (queen of the underworld) and the fertility of the earth. She was the daughter of Jupiter (also Jove; Greek equivalent: Zeus), the king of the gods, and Ceres (Greek equivalent: Demeter;...

April 14, 2010

Emily Dickinson 19th century American poet Full Name: Emily Elizabeth Dickinson Also Called: New England Mystic Birth: December 10, 1830 Death: May 15, 1886 Place of Birth: Amherst, Massachusetts, USA Place of Death: Amherst, Massachusetts, USA Cause of Death: Bright's disease Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius  Nationality:...

April 13, 2010

In Roman mythology, Venus (Greek equivalent: Aphrodite, also called: Cytherea) was originally considered as a deity of gardens and fields but later identified with Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love and beauty. Homer described her as the daughter of Jupiter (also called: Jove; Greek equivalent:...

April 5, 2010

In Roman mythology Psyche (Greek equivalent: Yuch) is the goddess of the soul, the wife of Cupid (Greek equivalent: Eros), the god of love. Psyche started out as a mortal princess. She was the daughter of an anonymous king and his queen. Psyche had two elder sisters. All three sisters were beautiful,...

March 17, 2010

Introduction No writer in the history of world literature holds such a unique position as the Elizabethan playwright William Shakespeare does. Shakespeare's works are highly remarkable for their graceful style and universally celebrated for their comprehensive understanding of human condition. Shakespearean...

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