A symbol is anything which stands for or denotes something else, not by exact resemblance, but by vague suggestion or statement. Symbols are of two types:
- Universal/conventional/traditional/public symbol.
- Private/personal symbol.
- Symbols are oblique or indirect means of communication.
- Symbolic words are not merely connotative, but also evocative and emotive.
- Symbolic words convey a deeper/inner meaning along with their surface meaning, generally an abstract idea, principle, or quality.
- A single word can be used to express several associated ideas and images, and evoke certain emotional responses. For instance, the word “rose” merely connotes a flower but it may be employed by a writer to evoke associated thoughts of beauty, delicacy or even pride or violence, and at the same time the emotional overtones of admiration, love, compassion or even anger and jealousy.
- Through symbols a writer can express much more than by the use of ordinary words.
- Symbols make the language rich and expressive.
- Symbols help the writer to convey concepts which are inexpressible by their very nature. Thus a symbol can be used to convey abstract and metaphysical truths.
Thank you for taking the time to publish this information very useful! keep posting:)