September 28, 2009

Shakespeare, William (15-1965), 16th century English playwright and poet

Assume a virtue, if you have it not.
William Shakespeare

Be great in act, as you have been in thought.
William Shakespeare

Action is eloquence.
William Shakespeare

And since you know you cannot see yourself,
so well as by reflection, I, your glass,
will modestly discover to yourself,
that of yourself which you yet know not of.
William Shakespeare

And thus I clothe my naked villainy
With old odd ends, stol'n forth of holy writ;
And seem a saint, when most I play the devil.
William Shakespeare

Blow, blow, thou winter wind
Thou art not so unkind,
As man's ingratitude.

William Shakespeare

Conversation should be pleasant without scurrility, witty without affectation, free without indecency, learned without conceitedness, novel without falsehood.
William Shakespeare

For they are yet ear-kissing arguments.
William Shakespeare

Free from gross passion or of mirth or anger
constant in spirit, not swerving with the blood,
garnish'd and deck'd in modest compliment,
not working with the eye without the ear,
and but in purged judgement trusting neither?
Such and so finely bolted didst thou seem.
William Shakespeare

A wretched soul, bruised with adversity,
We bid be quiet when we hear it cry;
But were we burdened with like weight of pain,
As much or more we should ourselves complain.
William Shakespeare

Glory is like a circle in the water,
Which never ceaseth to enlarge itself,
Till by broad spreading it disperses to naught.

William Shakespeare

God bless thee; and put meekness in thy mind, love, charity, obedience, and true duty!
William Shakespeare

He who has injured thee was either stronger or weaker than thee. If weaker, spare him; if stronger, spare thyself.
William Shakespeare

His life was gentle; and the elements
So mixed in him, that Nature might stand up,
And say to all the world, THIS WAS A MAN!
William Shakespeare

I pray thee cease thy counsel,
Which falls into mine ears as profitless
as water in a sieve.
William Shakespeare

I pray you bear me henceforth from the noise and rumour of the field, where I may think the remnant of my thoughts in peace, and part of this body and my soul with contemplation and devout desires.
William Shakespeare

I wasted time, and now doth time waste me.
William Shakespeare

I wish you well and so I take my leave,
I Pray you know me when we meet again.
William Shakespeare

Ill deeds are doubled with an evil word.
William Shakespeare

In a false quarrel there is no true valour.
William Shakespeare

In peace there's nothing so becomes a man as modest stillness and humility.
William Shakespeare

In time we hate that which we often fear.
William Shakespeare

How poor are they who have not patience! What wound did ever heal but by degrees.
William Shakespeare

How use doth breed a habit in a man.
William Shakespeare

I am not bound to please thee with my answers.
William Shakespeare

I did never know so full a voice issue from so empty a heart: but the saying is true 'The empty vessel makes the greatest sound'.
William Shakespeare

I dote on his very absence.
William Shakespeare

I feel within me a peace above all earthly dignities, a still and quiet conscience.
William Shakespeare

I hate ingratitude more in a man
than lying, vainness, babbling, drunkenness,
or any taint of vice whose strong corruption
inhabits our frail blood.
William Shakespeare

I must be cruel only to be kind;
Thus bad begins, and worse remains behind.
William Shakespeare

It is not enough to help the feeble up, but to support him after.
William Shakespeare

Lady you bereft me of all words,
Only my blood speaks to you in my veins,
And there is such confusion in my powers.

William Shakespeare
Like as the waves make towards the pebbled shore, So do our minutes hasten to their end.

William Shakespeare

Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind.
William Shakespeare

Mine honour is my life; both grow in one; take honour from me and my life is done.
William Shakespeare

My words fly up, my thoughts remain below.
Words without thoughts never to heaven go.
William Shakespeare

Nothing emboldens sin so much as mercy.
William Shakespeare

Our bodies are our gardens to which our wills are gardeners.
William Shakespeare
Our remedies oft in ourselves do lie.
William Shakespeare

Pity is the virtue of the law, and none but tyrants use it cruelly.
William Shakespeare

Praising what is lost makes the remembrance dear.
William Shakespeare

See first that the design is wise and just: that ascertained, pursue it resolutely; do not for one repulse forego the purpose that you resolved to effect.
William Shakespeare

So may he rest, his faults lie gently on him!
William Shakespeare

Strong reasons make strong actions.
William Shakespeare

Suspicion always haunts the guilty mind.
William Shakespeare

Sweet are the uses of adversity, which, like a toad, though ugly and venomous, wears yet a precious jewel in its head.
William Shakespeare

Thou shalt be both the plaintiff and the judge of thine own cause.
William Shakespeare

Though I am not naturally honest, I am so sometimes by chance.
William Shakespeare

Thy words, I grant are bigger, for I wear not, my dagger in my mouth.
William Shakespeare

Virtue and genuine graces in themselves speak what no words can utter.

William Shakespeare
We are advertis'd by our loving friends.
William Shakespeare

We do not keep the outward form of order, where there is deep disorder in the mind.
William Shakespeare

We know what we are, but not what we may be.
William Shakespeare

When griping grief the heart doth wound,
and doleful dumps the mind opresses,
then music, with her silver sound,
with speedy help doth lend redress.

William Shakespeare

The peace of heaven is theirs that lift their swords, in such a just and charitable war.
William Shakespeare

The sands are number'd that make up my life.
William Shakespeare

The soul of this man is in his clothes.
William Shakespeare

The trust I have is in mine innocence,
and therefore am I bold and resolute.
William Shakespeare

Their understanding
Begins to swell and the approaching tide
Will shortly fill the reasonable shores
That now lie foul and muddy.
William Shakespeare

Thou art all the comfort,
The Gods will diet me with.
William Shakespeare
Tanvir Shameem Tanvir Shameem is not the biggest fan of teaching, but he is doing his best to write on various topics of language and literature just to guide thousands of students and researchers across the globe. You can always find him experimenting with presentation, style and diction. He will contribute as long as time permits. You can find him on:


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