December 3, 2018

JEAN PIAGET (1896 –1980), A TWENTIETH CENTURY SWISS DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGIST. “Every response, whether it be an act directed towards the outside world or an act internalized as thought, takes the form of an adaptation or, better, of a re-adaptation.” ~ Jean Piaget, The Psychology of Intelligence “Formal...

November 28, 2018

Charles F. Hockett was an American linguist, anthropologist, and composer of the post-World War II era. Hockett was the last of the most influential advocates of the structural linguistics, which flourished particularly in the four decades from the 1930s to the 1960s. Profile Name: Charles F....

November 1, 2018

Edward Sapir is a German-born American linguist, anthropologist, and essayist. Profile Birth Name: Edward Sapir Date of Birth: January 26, 1884 Place of Birth: Lauenburg, Pomerania, Germany Date of Death: February 4, 1939 Place of Death: New Haven, New Haven County, Connecticut, USA Cause of...

October 22, 2018

Leonard Bloomfield is a 20th century American linguist and professor of Germanic languages. Profile Birth Name: Leonard Bloomfield Date of Birth: April 1, 1887 Place of Birth: Chicago, Illinois, USA Date of Death: April 18, 1949 Place of Death: New Haven, Connecticut, USA Cause of Death: Illness...

October 10, 2018

Eric Lenneberg (1921 –1975) was a 20th century linguist, neurologist, and educator. Profile Birth Name: Eric Heinz Lenneberg Date of Birth: September 19, 1921 Place of Birth: Düsseldorf, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany Date of Death: May 31, 1975 Place of Death: White Plains, Westchester, New York,...

October 6, 2018

Jean Piaget (1896-1980) was a 20th century Swiss biologist, philosopher, psychologist, and educator. Profile Birth Name: Jean William Piaget AKA: Jean William Fritz Piaget Date of Birth: August 9, 1896 Place of Birth: Neuchatel, Neuchâtel, Canton of Neuchâtel, Switzerland Date of Death: September...

October 3, 2018

Stephen Krashen (b. 1941) is an American Linguist, educational researcher, political activist, and professor emeritus at the University of Southern California. Profile Birth Name: Stephen Krashen Date of Birth: 1941 Placf Birth: Chicago, Illinois, USA Nationality: American Alma Mater: University...

October 1, 2018

Larry Selinker (1937) is an American linguist and the world’s most influential Second Language Acquisition (SLA) theorist. Profile Birth Name: Larry Selinker Date of Birth: September 19, 1937 Zodiac Sign: Virgo Nationality: American Spouse: Phyllis Selinker Children: Mike Selinker Alma Mater:...

September 26, 2018

Ferdinand de Saussure (1857 –1913) was a Swiss linguist from the early 20th century who is deemed by many as the chief forerunner of the structural linguistics. Profile Birth Name: Ferdinand Mongin de Saussure Date of Birth: November 26, 1857 Place of Birth: Geneva, Switzerland Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius Date...

September 24, 2018

STEVEN PINKER (B. 1954), A CANADIAN BORN AMERICAN EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGIST, COGNITIVE SCIENTIST, AND LINGUIST. “Just as blueprints don't necessarily specify blue buildings, selfish genes don't necessarily specify selfish organisms. As we shall see, sometimes the most selfish thing a gene can...

September 20, 2018

Steven Pinker (b. 1954) is a Canadian-American experimental psychologist, cognitive scientist, linguist and popular science author. Profile Birth Name: Steven Arthur Pinker Date of Birth: September 18, 1954 Place of Birth: Montreal, Québec, Canada Zodiac Sign: Virgo Ethnicity: Canadian Nationality:...

September 19, 2018

B. F. SKINNER (1904 –1990), A LEADING 20TH CENTURY AMERICAN PSYCHOLOGIST, PHILOSOPHER, INVENTOR AND POET. "The real problem is not whether machines think but whether men do." ~ B. F. Skinner, The Technology of Teaching "It is a mistake to suppose that the whole issue is how to free man. The...

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