November 3, 2014

Preamble Chaucer has been extravagantly eulogized to be the greatest social chronicler of the 14th century England. His acknowledged magnum opus The Canterbury Tales mirrored an all-embracing portrait of the social, economic, cultural, and religious milieu of his age. In many respects, Chaucer’s representation...

September 3, 2014

Definition Metaphor is a figure of speech consisting of two essentially different objects, ideas, actions, or feelings with an implication that the objects are similar or identical on some point of comparison. Etymology The English word metaphor is derived from the French word métaphore, which is...

August 3, 2014

Definition Simile is a figure of speech which seeks to find some point or points of resemblance between two essentially different objects, actions, or feelings. Etymology The term simile is from Middle English, which thought to be first used in the 14th century. It was derived from the Late Latin...

June 1, 2014

Toni Morrison, an American novelist, editor, and professor. Full Name: Toni Morrison Birth Name: Chloe Anthony Wofford Alias: Toni Born: February 18th 1931 Astrological Sign: Aquarius Place of Birth:Lorain, Ohio, United States of America Father: George Wofford...

May 4, 2014

Definition The subcategories of sounds, such as frictionless continuants, semi vowels/ glides are grouped together in the larger category named approximants. The term ‘approximant’ was first used by the English-American linguist and phonetician Peter Ladefoged in 1964 in his Phonetic Study of...

March 1, 2014

Saul Bellow, Canadian-born American author of fiction and essays, and the winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature, who is widely regarded by many as one of the major representatives of the Jewish-American writers. Full Name: Saul Bellow Birth Name: Solomon Bellows Nick Name: Sollie ...

February 15, 2014

Definition Diglossia, (also called linguistic duality) is a language situation in which two different varieties of the same language are used in different social contexts or for performing different functions by the same speakers. Trudgill (1995) defined the term as under: “Diglossia is a particular...

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