November 19, 2013

Definition The meaning of each word in a language is formed of a set of abstract characteristics known as semantic features (also known as Semantic Properties, Sense Components, Semantic Markers, Semantic Components), which acts as the determinant for distinguishing one word from another. The method...

October 2, 2013

Definition Lateral (also called lateral approximant), a type of consonant sound, which is produced by allowing the air to escape around the sides of the tongue rather than over the middle of the tongue. The lateral sound is frictionless. It is in many respects vowel-like and could be considered...

September 20, 2013

Definition The Audio-lingual Method (also known as the army method, the aural-oral method, or the new key), is a method of foreign language teaching in which the students learn language by repeating/imitating the recurring patterns/dialogues of everyday situations by a succession of drills. The...

September 1, 2013

Affricates (also known as affricated plosives, semi-plosives, affricatives), types of consonant sounds. These sounds begin as a plosive with a complete closure but ends like a fricative by releasing the air slowly through a partial closure with an audible friction. However, during the articulation...

August 25, 2013

Definition Nasals (also called nasal stops, nasal occlusives, or nasal continuants) are types of consonant sounds. These are called nasals because during their articulation the airflow escapes through the nasal cavity as there is a complete closure in the oral cavity. Plosives vs. Nasals The...

August 19, 2013

Definition Fricatives (also known as spirants, continuants), types of consonant sounds, which are produced by forcing the breath squeeze through a narrow gap with audible friction, hence these are termed fricatives. Discussion: During the production of fricatives, the articulators are brought...

July 26, 2013

Preamble Nobel Laureate Eugene O’Neill’s plays are influenced by psychoanalytical theories of the 19th century and they boldly disrobe people’s civilized appearance and probe their inner psyches. His well-admired play Desire Under the Elms (1925) alludes to the ancient Greek legends about Oedipus...

June 29, 2013

Sylvia Plath A 20th Century American poet, novelist and editor Full Name: Sylvia Plath Pen name: Victoria Lucas Birth: October 27, 1932 Death: February 11, 1963 Place of Birth: Boston, Massachusetts Place of Death: London, England Cause of death: Suicide Buried at: St. Thomas' Churchyard,...

June 11, 2013

Introduction Emily Dickinson has been the centre of curiosity for a number of researchers due to her insuppressible obsession with death. Even though death has been the subject of scrutiny for numerous literary artists and philosophers for centuries, Dickinson audaciously secluded herself from...

May 24, 2013

Romanticism is a major literary movement which emerged towards the end of the 18th century, the waning days of Neoclassicism. The Romantic Movement assumedly emerged in Germany, although the main source of inspiration came from the events and ideologies of the French Revolution. The Industrial...

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